Below is a list of lenders that service student loans around the globe. Click on a link to get more information about a specific lender.
What is a Lender?
A student loan lender is a company that loans money to students so that they can go to college. Typically, these companies are out to make money, and do so by having high interest rates on the loans they provide.
Write a complaint
Have a complaint about your lender(s)? Be sure to submit them here:
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

9.5_student_loan_scheme_money_for_nothing_report_2004.pdf |
Media Articles
- (2014) CFPB: Student Loan Complaints Review
- (2011) The 9.5% Loan Scandal: The Hero and The A%&$!-es
- (2008) Student Loan Scandal for the Ages
(2007)- Whistle-Blower on Student Aid Is Vindicated
- (2004) Student Loan Scandal
- (2011) The 9.5% Loan Scandal: The Hero and The A%&$!-es
- (2008) Student Loan Scandal for the Ages
(2007)- Whistle-Blower on Student Aid Is Vindicated
- (2004) Student Loan Scandal